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The Methodist Ladies’ College (Melbourne) Choir

The Methodist Ladies’ College (Melbourne) Choir


The Methodist Ladies’ College has a rich music performance tradition and supports a large number of vocal as well as instrumental ensembles. The MLC European Tour Choir was formed in June 2013 to offer the students the opportunity of singing on the international stage with their peers from around the world. While on tour the choir aims to share their heritage of traditional Australian music as well as showcase contemporary Australian composers. Their repertoire also extends to choral works from worlds further afield including Italy, Germany, Hungary and England.



Kareene Deppeler

Kareene Deppeler


Kareene graduated from the University of Melbourne with a B. Mus (Honours) in Performance, having studied with Ronald Farren-Price and Diana Weekes. She was awarded a Lady Turner Exhibition and Florence Bradford Scholarship and attained her L.Mus.A (Licentiate in Music, Australia). Kareene also undertook associate studies in Bassoon with George Dreyfus and percussion with Michael Askill. A desire to study music overseas led her to pianoforte tuition in London with Ruth Nye and post graduate studies at the Royal Academy of Music. As an accomplished pianist and accompanist, Kareene has performed extensively in Australia, England and Europe.

Upon her return to Australia, Kareene received her Diploma of Education from the University of Melbourne and studied voice at the Melba Conservatorium of Music. In 1983 she was invited to study at the Orff Institute in Salzburg, and was awarded a Certificate in Orff Schulwerk.

Kareene’s experience as a choral director is extensive, having conducted school choirs, chamber choirs, madrigal groups, and community and church choirs for more than 20 years. She has adjudicated numerous choral competitions and delivered awards at eisteddfods. Kareene has taught at the tertiary level at Deakin University and continues a successful career teaching at the Methodist Ladies’ College, a prestigious independent school for girls in Melbourne.



Competition Program


Jens Rohwer (1914-1994)   Musikanten - Kanon
Brahms (1833-1897)   Schwesterlein
Stephen Leek (*1959)   Ngana
Franz Bieble (1906 - 2001)   Ave Maria
Malcolm Dalglish (*1952)   Reel a Bouche
Kodaly (1882 - 1967)   See the Gypsies



Additional Concerts Program


anon 6th Century   Veni Creator Spiritus
anon 9th Century   Gaudete
Williams (*1960)   Festive Alleluia
Kurt Besor (*1958)   Prayer of the Children
Rouche (*1965)   Lux Aterna
Albrecht (*1954)   Do Not Stand On My Grave and Weep
Albrecht (*1954)   Gloria in excelsis Deo
Lotti (1667 -1740)   Vere Languores Nostros
Trad. Zambian   Bonse Aba
Mendelssohn (1809 -1847)   Lift Thine Eyes
Trad arr by Bob Chilcott (*1955)   Waltzing Matilda
David Childs (*1969)   Weep No More
Trad. Torres Strait Islands   Seseree
Schubert (1797 - 1828)   Die Forelle
Mozart (1756 -1791)   ABC
Stephen Leek (*1959)   Ngana
Malcolm Dalglish (*1952)   Reel a Bouche