Annapolis Valley Honour Choir

The Annapolis Valley Honour Choir (AVHC) consists of 60 talented men and women in grades seven to twelve auditioned from the catchment area of the Annapolis Valley Regional School Board. It is an instructional music program which emphasizes musical and vocal training through choral music experiences. It exists to enrich the artistic lives of its members, their families, and the community they serve.
Singers receive a well-rounded choral education that includes the development of vocal production techniques, musicianship, diction, aural skills etc. and provides a powerful means for young choral musicians to express themselves musically. This program also nurtures confidence and self-esteem in the choristers and promotes their healthy emotional and social development by involving them in activities that provide opportunities for leadership development, community involvement and volunteerism.
The choir presents two full length concerts each year, one near Christmas and a second during the spring as well as their annual February fundraiser. During the year the choir performs at many churches throughout the region, and for special community events.
The choir also takes part in the Annapolis Valley Music Festival and the last 2 years have won their classes at both the local and Provincial level and were sent to represent Nova Scotia at the National Music Festival.
Heather Fraser
Heather Fraser (B.M. Piano Performance, Acadia 2001; B.Ed, McGill 2004) is a dynamic and energetic music educator specializing in choral activities. She is currently Artistic Director and Conductor of both the Annapolis Valley Honour Choir, (grades 7-12) and the Halifax Regional School Board Lake Voices Honour Choir (grades 4-6). Heather also serves as the NSCF Program Director, developing and coordinating programs to meet the diverse needs of the Nova Scotia choral community.
As a clinician and adjudicator, Heather has presented for the Nova Scotia Music Educator’s Association and the Nova Scotia Choral Federation and adjudicated for the New Brunswick Competitive Music Festival in St. John. She is active with the “Perform! - Artists in Residence Program,” conducting workshops across Nova Scotia on choral methods for students and music teachers.
Heather has completed the Conducting Institute at Westminster Choir College, studying with Charles Bruffy, and was honoured to serve as Apprentice Conductor with the National Youth Choir of Canada in May 2010 under the guidance of Dr. Victoria Meredith. In Montreal, she was both singer and apprentice conductor with Iwan Edwards for the Saint Lawrence Choir (amateur core of l’Orchestre Symphonique de Montréal Chorus) and Concerto Della Donna. She has also had masterclass tutelage with Peter Broadbent, Jo McNally, Colin Durrant, Neil Ferris, Dr. Julia Davids and Michael Zaugg.
Celebration Program
Eric Barnum (*1979) | The Wheel That Moves the Sun and Stars | |
Kinley Lange (*1950) | Esto Les Digo | |
R. Murray Schafer (*1933) | Miniwanka | |
Joan Szymko (*1957) | It Takes A Village | |
Stephen Hatfield (*1956) | All Too Soon |
Additional Concerts Program
Craig Hella Johnson | Gitanjali Chants | |
Rosephanye Powell (*1962) | The Word Was God | |
Kinley Lange (*1950) | Esto Les Digo | |
Andrea Ramsey | Cover Me with the Night | |
Eleanore Daley (*1955) | The Stars are with the Voyager | |
Bob Chilcott (*1955) | Circles of Motion | |
Eric Barnum (*1979) | The Wheel That Moves the Sun and Stars | |
Frode Fjellheim (*1959) | Eatenemen Vuelie | |
R. Murray Schafer (*1933) | Miniwanka | |
Sid Robinivitch (*1942) | Ta Tikee Tei | |
Marie-Claire Saindon (*1984) | Le Train d'hiver | |
Trad. American Folk Song arr. Philip Silvey |
Nine Hundred Miles | |
Joan Szymko (*1957) | It Takes a Village | |
Stephen Hatfield (*1956) | All Too Soon | |
Trad. Gaelic arr. Gary Ewer (*1961) | Siod Mar Chaidh an cal a Dholaidh |