Coro Juvenil Sinfonia por el Perú

The Sinfonía por el Perú Youth Choir is the primary choral group of our organization. It brings together the most exceptional young choristers from the 16 musical training centers established across Peru, thanks to the strategic partners who support the work of Sinfonía por el Perú.
Nowadays, the Sinfonía por el Perú Youth Choir is led by its director, Maestro Juan Carlos Bersague. It has become a benchmark for vocal musical development in Lima, with a repertoire that includes universal academic music, Peruvian popular music, and Latin American music.
The Youth choir has participated in the Lucerne Festival Switzerland, exchanging activities with Superar Switzerland and Superar Austria as part of their international projection. They have accompanied concerts by Juan Diego Flórez performing academic and popular repertoires.
An excellent example of their artistic development is their latest musical production, "Sinfonía canta en casa". The production was recorded and mastered entirely in the homes of the teachers and beneficiaries during their social isolation due to COVID-19.
Last year, they visited Chile. Their tour included concerts and educational activities at the Teatro del Lago de Frutillar, the Educational Theater of the Arts of Panguipulli, and the La Pintana Theater in Santiago de Chile. Their program included diverse music, including sacred works by universal and contemporary composers and works from the Latin American and Peruvian repertoire.
Juan Carlos Bersague Chacón
In December 2018, Juan Carlos Bersague assumed the musical conduction of the Sinfonía por el Perú Youth Choir, with more than 30 years of professional experience directing children's, youth and professional choral groups in Cuba, Venezuela and the Dominican Republic. He studied Choral Conducting at the National School of Art Instructors and the National Center for Artistic Education of Havana with teachers Maida Martínez de la Torre and María Felicia Pérez Arroyo. Likewise, he has a Certificate of Knowledge in Choral Conducting from the Bolivarian University of Venezuela.
He was a founding member of the Exaudi Chamber Choir of Cuba, where he participated in competitions and concert tours in Germany, Hungary, Belgium, Bulgaria, Spain, Canada, France, Venezuela, Italy and Sweden. He has received multiple awards such as first prize in the 1999 Luís Soto Villalobos Choir Competition (Venezuela), first prize in Polyphony and second prize in Folklore in the Mérida 2000 Contest (Venezuela); the first prize for Popular Music and Mixed Choirs at the 2006 Cantonigros International Music Festival (Spain); the third prize for Habaneras and the Francisco Vallejo Prize at the 52nd International Habaneras and Polyphony Contest of Torrevieja, Spain; Third prize for Polyphony in the 55th Guido D'Arezzo Competition 2007 (Italy) and first prize for chamber choirs in the Ameride Competition 2011 (Brazil). He was director of the Zulia children's singing choir, Coral Antiphona, Zulia Symphonic Choir and Cantat Vocal in Venezuela. He is a professor of Choral Conducting at the University of Zulia, at the José Luis Paz Conservatory of Music and the National System of Orchestras and Choirs of Venezuela.
Competition Program
Enrique Iturriaga (1918 - 2019) | Las Cumbres | |
Heitor Villalobos (1887 - 1959) | Ave Maria No. 17 | |
Alejandro Consolación II (*1980) | Veni Creator Spiritu | |
Guido López Gavilán (*1944) | Que rico é! |
Additional Concerts Program
Branko Satark (*1954) | Plaudite Manibus | |
Anton Bruckner (1824 - 1896) | Ave Maria | |
Vytautas Miskinis (*1954) | Cantate Domino | |
György Orbán (*1947) | Salve Regina | |
Alejandro Consolación II (*1980) | Veni, creator spiritu | |
Rosa Alarco Larrabure (1911 - 1980) | Lámpara Maravillosa y Ay Pepa | |
Chabuca Granda (1920 - 1983) | Fina Estampa, arr. Eduardo Ferraudi | |
Guido López Gavilán (*1944) | Canta, canta | |
José Antonio Quesada (*1960) | Hoy mi Habana, arr. Erneste Herrera | |
Simón Díaz (1928 - 2014) | Caballo Viejo, arr. Miguel Ángel Santaella | |
Randall Stroope (*1953) | Amor de mi alma | |
Jesús Guerra (1920 - 1995) | Pare Cochero, arr. Conrado Monier | |
Neuza Teixeira y Jaime Silva | O Pato, arr. Fernando Ariani | |
Guido López Gavilán (*1944) | Que rico é |